I'm in a slight state of shock - the first rolls just came back: They are all properly exposed! Even the FT-1, where half the roll was manual metering, and the rest was the camera. Now, I don't know how much the lab actively pushes or pulls the exposure on the film, but if the results work - I'm a happy camper.
Might have to give the FT-1 another test roll, and really stress the metering to be sure it's just the readout in the display, that has a problem. I might just have been lucky this time.
Ignoring a few missed cases of focus, everything looks very acceptable. I can't spot any obvious light leaks. So if I place the FT-1 on the back burner, the Mamiya and Petri are cleared for action. Three more bodies to go. The K1000 has eaten thru the roll, and the ME Super isn't far behind. The TC on the other hand might take some time.
The price was horrific - oh the joys of film.
Might have to give the FT-1 another test roll, and really stress the metering to be sure it's just the readout in the display, that has a problem. I might just have been lucky this time.
Ignoring a few missed cases of focus, everything looks very acceptable. I can't spot any obvious light leaks. So if I place the FT-1 on the back burner, the Mamiya and Petri are cleared for action. Three more bodies to go. The K1000 has eaten thru the roll, and the ME Super isn't far behind. The TC on the other hand might take some time.
The price was horrific - oh the joys of film.
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