Thursday, August 9, 2012

Another group shot

Double the fun or double the worries - anyhow, here are the latest seven additions to the collection:

Rear from left to right: Chrome Minolta X-300, Black Minolta X-300, "beater" Konica TC.
Front from left to right: Minolta SRT101, Contax 137MD, Yashica FX-D, "yum" Konica TC.

The SRT101 was as mentioned before a added bonus when I bought the chrome X-300. The two new TC's were bought together, the beater is mounted with a 35-70 zoom and I honestly just use this for idle hands, sometimes in the couch. (loony bin here I come) So I now have two functional TC's, but this latest "yum" addition has a somewhat smoother action, so this might become the leader of the Konica pack. The Yashica was bought for the lens - which turned out to be a bit of a lemon. Easy come, easy go. More close ups after the break. 

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