Sunday, February 3, 2013

Nikon gang, and second SRT

Some pictures of (not from, that's just silly...) the FM2n with 105mm F2.5 AI,  FE2 with 50mm F1.4 AIS and the Minolta SRT101 with a 50mm F1.7

I have just had a roll thru the FE2, shooting exclusively with the 50 1.4 - stuck at 1.4 mind you. Using a 15 year old film. Never know whats gonna happen.

To clear the boxes, and my mind a bit, I've sold some of the gear. Bye bye to the Petri, the beater TC, Zenith and the AE-1. Some assorted zoom lenses, that I'd never use.

When I stared this journey, I swore that I wouldn't buy any Nikon gear - as this is what I use digitally... well well, that didn't quite last. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A new year - no hope

GAS is still going strong, only limited by physical space - so I'm currently trying to sell some of the stuff.

Right, what has happened since the Pentax Program A. I traded the OM3 - wasn't going to use it, and I'm not that much of a collector anyhow. Got my hands on a Nikon FM2N and FE2. Traded the Zeiss 85 1.4

Bought a Canon AE-1P, for the sake of a FD 85mm 1.8. Sold the lens, not going to use the body. Its nice though, has a really good winding action - and the A series squeak. Bought a K1000 for the sake of a mint Pentax M 50 1.7, and 35 2.8. The 50 on my ME is jamming the aperture ring. K1000 was DOA - threw it in the bin. Bougt a black SRT101 with rokkor 50 1.7 - simply because its gorgeous.

Pictures soon.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pentax double - or one and a half...

I've been looking for a nice tele for the ME Super, and found this 135 2.5 - attached to a Program A. None of them are lookers, but function seems tip top.

And now for the "all good things come in small packages" situation.

My Pentax 110, with the 24 2.8, 50 2.8 and relatively massive 70 2.8.

Not much to say really, its so adorable I feel like biting its cheek.

And another one.

That's all for now. I've got film on the ME Super, the 137MD and my black X300 - but I'm running out of daylight at the moment...

Olympus OM1N and OM3

Siblings from the Oly household, the OM1N just seemed like something I needed to try and hold. I'd put off the OM family for a long time, because it would just lead to more GAS.

Its nice to have a aperture on the front of the lens for easy grip-ige, along with the shutter ring at the base of the body, making it possible to adjust everything without changing the grip on the camera.

The OM3 - well, it was actually a little unknown to me - the OM1 and OM2 models had most of my attention, but it kinda popped up in a used add - and I raced to get it. Seller might not have known what he was selling, the price didn't seem to indicate that it is the second rarest of the OM family. It isn't in perfect shape, but nothing a CLA wouldn't fix. Came with a 50 1.4, 28 2.8 and 135 3.5 - all bases covered.

Uhhh, look at meee - I'm famous on Ebay.

The mighty T2

I got the Autoreflex T2 more or less as a back cover for a lens, amonst other stuff in a dusty box.

Just a brute of a camera, with lovely lines due to the prism housing not being spoiled by a shoe.

The machined 52mm Hexanon goes very nicely with it. Doesn't say T2 - none of them did, but easily distinguishable by the on/off switch on the shutter button, as opposed to the T1 model, that had it on the back. 

Quick and dirty

...well some of 'em are.

The latest additions, sorted by brand.

First up is the Zenit XP. Cheap, and sporting one of the famed Helios lenses, I just needed it so bad.

Not much of a looker, but build to last. Like russian women, da!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

More gear

Its been a while since the last update, and we're almost past the point of another group shot. Madness, I just cant help my self. Of the top of my head: Konica Autoreflex T, Zenit XP, Olympus OM1, Pentax Program-A, Pentax 110 and oh... a Olympus OM3 - the second rarest Olympus SLR - by chance.

The new shop I use for developing film does an infinatly better job - no scratches on the negatives! I'll post some shots of the new gear, and throw in some new glass as well. Maybe even some pictures that were actually captured on film...